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All Cameras >> Sigma >> Sigma 50mm f/2.8 EX DG Macro

Sigma 50mm f/2.8 EX DG Macro Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 21-Jun-2004
Lens: 50mm f/2.8
Random Sigma 50mm f/2.8 EX DG Macro Samples from 2681 available Photos more
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SRW28-Mar-2008 09:26
Like all Sigma lenses: amazing value for money; and, agreed, it is very, very sharp. However, a 105mm macro will probably be my next buy (when I've saved up the pennies... ;-): as this still does have its real-world limitations....
Guest 11-Feb-2008 19:47
Guest 28-Dec-2007 16:34
This is a very nice lens, Images were very sharp.
Focus is slow and at 50mm you need to get close so if you shoot
any live creatures its probably too short. I upgraded to the Sigma 105 f2.8 macro.

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