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FujiFilm instax SQUARE SQ10 Product Photos
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Press Release September 20, 2016


New Square Format for instax Series
A new format that drastically enhances the potential of photographic expression of instax

September 20, 2016

PHOTOKINA 2016, COLOGNE, GERMANY, September 19, 2016—FUJIFILM Corporation (President: Kenji Sukeno) is pleased to announce that its next generation format “instax SQUARE format film” and “instax SQUARE camera” are currently under development.

With its 1:1 aspect ratio, square format photography is ideal for both portraits and landscapes, and has long been the format of choice for users enhancing their artistic expression. In recent times, the popularity of square format has increased to such an extent that it has become the de facto standard of smartphone cameras and timeline photos on social media platforms.

Fujifilm believes that the instax square format has the potential to drastically evolve the role and presence of instant photography. By adding this new format to the existing mini and wide, a new dimension will be added to the wealth of possibilities of instax photographic expression, users will have a wider choice, and instax cameras and films will be able to respond to a broader range of photographic subjects and situations than ever before.

In addition to the new square format film, a new camera which is able to fully express the attractions of square format photos is also under development. Further details are available at the below website.


Spring 2017


“instax SQUARE format film”:
Image size: Height 62mm x Width 62mm
Photo size: Height 85.6mm x Width 72mm
“instax SQUARE format camera”: TBD

Fujifilm is committed to offering new products and services that meet various consumer needs by leveraging innovative technological advancements. Fujifilm is also dedicated to enhancing the enjoyment of photography worldwide, and encourages users to experience the value of shooting, preserving, displaying and gifting photo images that deliver the message of “enrich your life with photographs.”
